Zenfone 4 Root and Original Recovery files

Root Zenfone 4

  1. Install  intel driver, Extract ADB and put supersu_zenfone4.zip to ADB and Fastboot Folder
  2. Turn off Zenfone 4 go to Fastboot Mode (Power + Volume up)
  3. Connect Zenfone 4 with PC/Laptop
  4. Open Command prompt on ADB folder (Shift+Right click > open command here)
  5. Type: fastboot flash update supersu_zenfone4.zip and wait until complete

Original Recovery Zenfone 4
  • You must root your Zenfone 4
  • Download Recovery img (Download)
First find the version you want to flash recovery.img through fastboot
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

Thanks to Shakalaca