[6582] [3.4.67] Samsung Galaxy Note 5 for qhd device [480*854]

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 for Primo GH2[mtk6582]

Features :

Samsung Note5 UI
Dual Sim Supported
Note5 Camera
Note5 Contact
Note5 Messaging
Note5 Notification Toggles & Quicksetting
Note5 Setting
Note5 Music Player
Note5 Wallpapers
Note5 CalculatorS
Note5 Heart Rate
Note5 FM
Android Version 5.1.1 (Fake)
Good Camera
No Hang In Mx Player
Swipe To Call/SMS
Better Ram
Excellent Battery Backup
Awesome Sound Quality
Fixed launchers
No dpi issue (defult dpi 210..If you change dpi,you will face launcher fc)
Sd card set as default
Working everything


Air Gesture not working
Wrong ram info in ram manager

Recent apps not showing..To fix recent app showing..Download 'Menubegone' modules from xda or search in google..Now active modules in xposed and reboot

Credits :

Allah SWT,
Muhammad SAW,
Galang Bintang Syahputra,
Minhazul Islam Limon

Downloads :